First Sleep Brand for Kids & Babies

Nanu was launched in Istanbul in May 2015, with the purpose of providing ‘good sleep’ to babies and kids. Although it had started off by designing and producing sleepwear and bed textile only, their portfolio had quickly expanded to include everything in a child’s sleep room.

Nanu is the world’s first and only premium sleep brand for babies and kids ages 0-14 with a mission to help moms, babies, and kids get a better night’s sleep.

Nanu constantly listens to mothers in order to understand and design products based on their valuable insights and offer only the best and smart products they need for their beloved babies’ and kids’ sleep rooms with a mom’s heart and mind.


Good sleep for babies and kids everywhere


Help moms provide good sleep to their loved ones

Target Group

Contemporary moms seeking the best for their children


Saving a lot of effort and resource to becoming the best sleep brand to create and offer better products.